Q&A with Carmen Acosta

Q&A with Carmen Acosta

Carmen Luisa Checo Acosta enjoys learning about her denomination as she serves on the denomination's General Board. At those meetings this year, Holiness Today talked to her about her international involvement an local church work.

HT: You are now serving your second term as a lay representative on the General Board for the Church of the Nazarene. What does it mean to you to serve in this capacity?

CA: It has been a great experience because it allows me to know about the church in general. Now I understand better how the church functions. I think that anybody who has the opportunity to be on the General Board will find it to be a very good experience. It has been good to meet people and the leadership in the church.

HT: How are you active in your local church?

CA: We attend the Quesquaya Church of the Nazarene on the Central District of the Dominican Republic. I work with Nazarene Missions International (NMI) and am an advisor to the local church. I used to be the NMI representative for the district, and served as a district secretary. Besides NMI, I have been involved on many committees. I'm also working with Compassionate Ministries on the national level.

HT: What do you wish the larger church could know about your home church?

CA: We have a group of men and women who are working very hard so the local church can advance and function well. They are being good stewards.

HT: Share about your family and job?

CA: My husband, Rene Acosta, is the director of the Nazarene seminary, Seminario Nazareno Dominicano, in the Dominican Republic. We have one child. I work for the United Bible Society for the Dominican Republic, as assistant to the general secretary.

Holiness Today, May/June 2005

Please note: This article was originally published in 2005. All facts, figures, and titles were accurate to the best of our knowledge at that time but may have since changed.
