Faith Through the Dark Times

In Genesis 15, Abram was under a spectacularly starry sky when the Lord promised him descendants that would equal all the stars he could see. God saw Abram’s believing heart, and then promised him the land on which he was standing. Finally, Abram asked a contemplative question in response: “Sovereign Lord, how can I know that I will gain possession of it?” (v. 8).
God then gave Abram instructions for a massive sacrifice solemnizing the promises He had made. After Abram prepared the sacrifice, he fell into a deep sleep, and a “thick and dreadful darkness came over him” (v. 12). God, in answer to Abram's question, proceeded to tell him about the terrible disaster of slavery that would overtake his descendants for hundreds of years to come. This is not the hopeful “pep talk” we might expect after such a moment of faith for Abram!
Instead of abandoning everything, Abram amazingly kept following the Lord and believing His promises.
His faith in God was not shaken by the bad news or the great darkness. Through his steadfastness, Abram teaches us that faith is the only sure preparation for hardship. Abram had faith in the God of all promises, even though those promises did not spare his descendants from horrible difficulties. It was not fear, but rather faith, that prepared Abram to embrace the future. Abram continued to trust God, even though he knew there were dark days ahead.
No amount of dread, worry, or fear will prepare us to trust the Lord. It is our steadfast, focused faith that trains us to walk on the road set before us with confidence. Much like Abram, our faith is not built for crisis-free living. Jesus lovingly told His disciples the truth about the hardships they were going to face: “In this world you will have trouble.” However, Jesus has the final victorious say over the hardships we will endure: “But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
Prayer for the week:
Dearest Lord, thank you for not deceiving me into thinking my life will be trouble free. When trouble comes, I do not have to be filled with worry or concern at every turn, feeling abandoned by You. I am so grateful that You have marked the path for me, and that I can stand in confidence each day knowing I can take heart, for you have overcome the world! Amen.
Anna Derbyshire is a pastor’s wife living in Fort Worth, Texas, USA, and has written curriculum for The Foundry Publishing.
Written for devotions with Holiness Today.
Please note: All facts, figures, and titles were accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of original publication but may have since changed.