Doing Good

Doing Good

We are entering the season of Lent. During the month of March, I want to call attention to important features from the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. We begin by looking at Peter’s summary of Jesus’ life and ministry to the group gathered at Cornelius’ house. Peter puts it simply: “He went around doing good.”

We give a great deal of time and attention to the healing ministry and the powerful preaching of Jesus. Rightly so; Jesus performed amazing miracles and preached about the deep mysteries of God and human life in ways that have occupied our research and imagination for 2,000 years. We will consider different facets of Jesus’ work among us in the weeks ahead. Today, however, I want us to focus on an important insight from some of the uneventful moments in Jesus’ life.

So often, we are intrigued by the big headlines that appeared in the reports of Jesus’ ministry that amazed or confounded His listeners. Perhaps just as important as these “big events” are the small, subtle gestures of kindness that Jesus offered to people on a daily basis. A kind smile, a word of encouragement, or a touch of concern often go unnoticed. Nonetheless, Jesus offered something good to everyone He encountered.

The Bible does not describe in detail exactly how Jesus went about doing good. But, I have an idea. I know how He interacts with me. Several times every day I sense a soft word of encouragement from Him or an awareness that He is helping me carry a difficult burden. Suddenly these encounters remind me of His presence—and His goodness. Seldom would I categorize His interactions as dramatic or miraculous.

Yet these little acts of kindness remind me I am of value to Him and He is right beside me on this journey of life.

When the religious leaders of Israel heard that Jesus had just raised Lazarus from the dead, they decided the time had come for Jesus to die. They tried as hard as they could to find wrongdoing in His life, but they could not find a single act of evil in anything He did. No one would say anything against Him. So, they had to get people to lie and twist His words to fabricate charges against Him. At His trial, Pilate confessed, “I find no basis for a charge against this man” (Luke 23:4).

Jesus’ example of going around doing good in daily life sets an example for us. We probably won’t be thanked on Facebook or highlighted in the church bulletin. It doesn’t matter. Small acts of kindness directed toward others work together to form a Christlike lifestyle. I want to be more like Jesus today.

Prayer for the week:

Lord Jesus, thank you for coming to this earth to bring eternal life and offer us daily relationship with our heavenly Father. Thank you as well for giving us an example of living a lifestyle of doing good throughout each day. Teach us to be more like You in offering small, subtle gestures of kindness toward others each day. Amen.

Frank Moore is editor in chief of Holiness Today and general editor for the Church of the Nazarene.

Please note: All facts, figures, and titles were accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of original publication but may have since changed.
