Do You Need a New Dream?

Do You Need a New Dream?

In John 1:48, Jesus meets Nathanael who is initially very skeptical of Jesus despite Philip’s endorsement. In their conversation, Jesus says to Nathanael, “I saw you while you were under the fig tree.” Even though we don’t know what Nathanael was actually doing or thinking under fig tree, Jesus already knew Nathanael’s heart. Jesus had seen his secret longings and future hopes and dreams.

What are your inmost secret longings and desires?

God already knows what is most dear to you. Your immediate family likely knows what motivates you. Your calendar and banking statements would probably reveal it as well. We shape our lives around our hopes and dreams. But, what happens when you wake up one day and your dreams and desires are no longer meaningful or attainable?

What happens when you’ve worked hard for many years but suddenly lose your job? What happens when the future you always imagined for yourself has passed you by? It seems that an all too common response to life’s circumstances is to lose hope. Dreams and desires are important, but they can often be misplaced and rarely stay the same forever. This is why I am so thankful I have Jesus in my life.

My faith in Christ keeps me grounded and reminds me of what is truly important. I have Jesus in my life, so I see myself through His eyes and not my own. As a result, I am a better spouse, parent, friend, and employee. Being a follower of Jesus has made all the difference!                

How many people around you need a new dream? How many have lost hope and need the power of Jesus in their lives? Consider asking someone to “come, and see for themselves.” What do you say about your church when people need a new dream? 

Prayer for the week:

Lord Jesus, how can I love You today? Who can I tell about You? What person needs to know that my hope and future dreams are in You? Thank you for the purpose You have given to my life. Convict me of those idols that compete for Your rightful place in my heart. May I seek You first in all that I do. I pray my life would be set apart for You. Amen.

Bob Buck is senior pastor of Liberty Church of the Nazarene in Liberty, MO, USA.

Written for devotions.

Please note: All facts, figures, and titles were accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of original publication but may have since changed.
