Ana Maria Crocker de Diaz

Ana Maria Crocker de Diaz

Ana Maria Crocker De Diaz is a member of the General Board representing the Mexico and Central America (MAC) Region. Ana Maria serves as Nazarene Missions International (NMI) coordinator for the MAC Region and as MAC representative on the General NMI Council. Growing up in San Geronimo and Guatemala City, Guatemala, Ana Maria had seven other siblings, including Gustavo Crocker, now Eurasia Regional Director. She now attends Landivar Church of the Nazarene in Guatemala City, where she is active in ministry to women and couples and is church board secretary. She is married to Cornelio Diaz and they have three grown children.

Where did you meet Cornelio? At church. We've been married for 33 years.

What would people be surprised to know about you? I have been robbed and had a gun pointed at me twice.

Dream destination? Israel.

Greatest fear? That my children will walk away from God.

How do you maintain faith, especially in light of suffering? It is the assurance that God is there, taking care of us and protecting us. We don't dwell on "why is this happening." Rather, we seek purpose in the situation.

Who has been the most influential person in your life, outside of family? Stanley and Norma Storey, former missionaries to Guatemala.

Share a story about your upbringing. I recall that when I was 17 we had "prayer and fasting" services every Wednesday. Mother insisted that I attend with her. Going to church was okay, but giving up a meal was another matter. Plus, the services were a little tiresome considering those in attendance were older women—no girls my age and certainly no boys.

What do you know now that you wish you had known at age 17? The most important thing is following God.

Favorite book? NMI missionary books—or books that help with women's ministries.

What's a habit you'd like to change? Eating chocolate.

How do you connect with the world outside the church? Through our business, with employees, and others in the community.

What has it meant to be involved in the General Church? I see it as a great privilege that God has given me. Sometimes I see myself as Moses because I think, "Why me? I don't have the words or educational background." But God uses me within the framework (my construction background is coming through!) of the global church.

Favorite Bible character? Moses, of course! In spite of his limitations, he was obedient and God gave all he needed to fulfill His call.

Have you ever preached? Early on as district NMI president, I was invited to a church to come and speak about the Alabaster offering. When I arrived at the church, I asked when I would be giving the promotional talk and the answer was, "During the sermon time. You're preaching." I almost fainted!

What was the topic? Alabaster offering! I shared a story of a young, poor woman, who had nothing to give but her crutches—and how giving to others is about loving sacrifice. When the offering was taken, a young man placed his watch and backpack in the offering. They sold the items to help with Alabaster.

Do you ever feel like giving up? Yes. Cornelio has kidney disease and I have to take care of him. Sometimes I feel torn between my family and ministry responsibilities.

So what do you do when that happens? I do what I didn't want to do when I was 17. I bow on my knees and pray.

Holiness Today, May/June 2008

Please note: This article was originally published in 2008. All facts, figures, and titles were accurate to the best of our knowledge at that time but may have since changed.
