5 Keys to Connecting with Women in Your Church

5 Keys to Connecting with Women in Your Church

When women gather, they create a unique dynamic that enhances the overall impact of local church ministry. We can harness that power by meeting their complex needs. Then we can release these women for effective ministry. Ministry to and through 21st century women must be fresh, relevant, and transformational. Here are five keys to help your church create meaningful connections with women that will spark a vibrant, contagious spiritual energy in your faith community.

  • Connect them to God — A woman's greatest need is heartfelt intimacy with God. Because of this, the launching pad priority for all ministry to women must be deep spiritual formation opportunities. Offer interactive Bible studies that help women truly engage with God and His Word. Host a community-wide women's revival, or take your group to a spiritual enrichment event in your area.
  • Connect them to each other — Women need genuine, flesh-and-blood fellowship with other sisters on the journey. To help them create these friendships, provide frequent venues for socialization. Include activities that are just fun, as well as offering times for deep, personal sharing. Women need to know they are not alone. As they hear each others' life stories, they will be empowered.
  • Connect them to a pastor — Women need to be actively pastored with gender-specific care and nurture. They need a readily available 'listening post' and someone ready to offer wise, godly counsel. Dedicate a female staff position or lay minister to focus on women's issues. Women often want a female perspective, but prefer to hear from a person who is trained biblically and theologically. Also have a network of trusted healthcare and mental health professionals available for referrals.
  • Connect them to practical resources — Women need practical help navigating the many roles they fulfill within marriage, parenting, careers, and community life. Create mentoring systems and use intergenerational relationships for 'life coaching'-with the older women teaching the younger ones. Build resource libraries, and offer a variety of topical courses within a small group structure.
  • Connect them to a place of ministry and mission — Women need to feel significant. Investigate their goldmine of gifts, talents, skills, and passions. Use them in key roles of leadership and service. Generously recognize their vital contributions.

Focus on ministering to the whole needs of the women in your church. This will pay great dividends in the Kingdom!

Rondy Smith is Team Ministries Pastor at Hermitage Church of the Nazarene in Nashville, Tennessee, where one of her primary roles is pastoring women.

Holiness Today

Please note: All facts, figures, and titles were accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of original publication but may have since changed.
