A Peculiar People

A Peculiar People

The holy and majestic purpose of our redemption is perhaps nowhere in Scripture so clearly expressed as in Titus 2:14: “[Christ] gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works” (KJV). The purpose of God was to make a people of His very own. A unique people, yes, even strange! But strange in what way? Those redeemed are created in Christ to be zealous of good works!

Though we could look to many places in God’s word to gain definition of good works, we probably need look no further than Christ’s own declaration: “Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets” (Matt. 22:37-40, NKJV). We also know that the Lord has defined our love for Him in how we love others. Thus, “love your neighbor as yourself” is the operative command.

Allow me to suggest a few ways to be zealous of good works and to love your neighbor as yourself. First, deeply desire that your neighbor be reconciled to God. Fervently pray for your neighbor’s spiritual success. To the degree that you long to hear the precious words, “Well done, my good and faithful servant . . . enter in to the joy of your Lord,” so desire that your neighbor be graced to hear those words.

In short, we must “Tell the blessed story of the cross!”

God has redeemed us for this purpose and the Holy Spirit equips us to this task. But we must still act. We must do the work! And remember, “God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8, NKJV).

Prayer for the week: Our Father, King of heaven, we hallow Your holy name. Lord, grant us grace this day to align our lives to Your very will as faithfully as do the angels in heaven. May we be equipped to live Heavenly Kingdom lives and do Heavenly Kingdom work according to the manner of your holy angels. Lord, may you be truly hallowed in my attitudes and actions, my thoughts and words, my motives and desires! And may You guide me in the paths of righteousness for Your holy name’s sake. In the precious Name of Jesus, Amen!

Dan Gilmore is district superintendent of the Northern Michigan District.

Written for devotions with Holiness Today.

Please note: All facts, figures, and titles were accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of original publication but may have since changed.
