January 2010

Building a Well House in the Shadow of a Legend

Certain medical facilities are known around the world for their extensive care. British born William W. Mayo, a frontier physician, launched a medical practice that in time, engaged his sons. From those roots grew the Mayo Clinic, now with three locations. The original site, in Rochester, Minnesota, is the largest with 1,900 doctors and scientists.

Bullies: One Body, Two Persons

As ideal as it may seem, having a totally predictable life would be a real drag. Bring on a healthy dose of variety--even some serendipity (surprise discoveries)--to shake things up and keep us 'on our toes!'

Q&A: An Ingrown Church

Q. Is there a danger in the Church that we become ingrown or one-sided? Why don't we expand our horizons into the community? Are we afraid of the outside world?

The "birds of a feather flock together" principle creates walls of separation between different groups.

Q&A: Discerning Folklore from Fact

In each issue, a forum of pastors, laity, theologians, and church leaders respond to your questions on subjects such as doctrine, theology, Christian living, and the church. Send your questions to Holiness Today, Church of the Nazarene Global Ministry Center, 17001 Prairie Star Parkway, Lenexa, KS 66220| E-mail: holinesstoday@nazarene.org. The editor regrets that all questions cannot be printed, acknowledged, or answered.

The God of the Past, Present, and Future

As Wesleyans, we Nazarenes are people of hope.  We proclaim, as did John Wesley, the “optimism of grace.”  We do this because we believe God not only helps us with the sins and mistakes of our past, but He also gives comfort and assurance in regard to our present and our future.

Q&A: Avoiding Gossip

Q: I work for a Christian organization. Recently, a coworker shared a health concern about me with another coworker, who shared it with another. By the time I found out, this rumor - quite false - had been passed to a number of our coworkers. I not only had to set the record straight, but had to do so without gossiping about the person who started the rumor. It seems that in the faith community, we're rather good at sharing "concerns" without checking facts or going to the source. Isn't this the opposite of what we're supposed to do?

Jack Hinton: A Lifetime of Service

Dad (Jack) found the Lord in his mid-20’s on the “sawdust floors” of the old Suwannee Holiness Campground in White Springs, FL. He and my mother worked at the same dry cleaning business in Ft. Lauderdale after he was discharged from the Navy after WWII. He was originally from Long Island, NY (still has the accent) and joined the Navy at age 16.

Q&A: Financial Accountability in the Local Church

In each issue, a forum of pastors, laity, theologians, and church leaders respond to your questions on subjects such as doctrine, theology, Christian living, and the church. Send your questions to Holiness Today, Church of the Nazarene Global Ministry Center, 17001 Prairie Star Parkway, Lenexa, KS 66220. E-mail: holinesstoday@nazarene.org. The editor regrets that all questions cannot be printed, acknowledged, or answered.

Bringing Light to Children

It was mid-December, but a rush of cold air did not hit my face. Rather, it was the blush of summer sunshine bathing the countryside as I peered out the van window. I was in South Africa on a field trip to Soweto. The destination was Slovoville Child Development Center. As the van pulled onto the property, the look of desolation was in sharp contrast to the sun rays casting shadows under the few trees that provided minimal shade.

Designed to Make a Difference

Everyone on the planet is designed to make a difference. No matter our age or stage, married or single, living in the city, the suburbs, or the country, with little education or a PhD, with lots of money or little—each of us, as a believer, is on this planet to make a mark.

The greatest mark we can make is to show others who God is. Scripture makes clear: "Each person is given something to do that shows who God is," Paul writes to the Corinthians (1 Corinthians 12:7, TM).

So what is that "something to do" for me? For you?